How Long Is The RES Course? (Updated for 2022)

Hello aspiring real estate agent! You might be wondering which RES course provider is the best and whether the express or normal course duration suits you better. I know.. I’ve always been asked this question since there are so many course providers and types of courses to choose from. In this article, I am going […]
Methods to Beat ABSD and Own Multiple Properties in 2022 (Updated)

The Additional Buyers Stamp Duty (ABSD) is the bogeyman facing property investors. Even if you can afford to pay it, the hefty stamp duty gobbles up a huge chunk of your eventual returns. But is there a “loophole“ or a way around it? Here are some legal ways to save on ABSD and get started […]
Property Buyer Wants to Back Out after the OTP. What Do I Do Now?

While it’s rare that a buyer or seller will back out of the Option to Purchase (OTP), such cases can happen. This can be especially frustrating to real estate agents, as it means the undoing of a case you had considered closed – and if your client doesn’t understand the implications, things can get emotional. […]